Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Oregon Primary 2008

April 29.

I've been a bit irritated by the Obama pamphlets that have been coming to my house rapid fire lately. They all say the same thing. "I did not want us to go to Iraq. I voted against it." I don't care anymore who voted for the war or not. I just want to know where are we going from here. It's irritating that someone hasn't told him yet to stop playing the blame game. I also didn't like his letter in the primary phamplet. It was very poorly written.

Hillary 2008

So my other choice doesn't look that great either. But I really liked her letter in the primary phamplet and I think that she has too much going against her. I sometimes feel like she would be better because she has too far to fall. (No flaming on me on this). I think she's agressive and has a lot to live up to (make up for).

Voldemort 2008voldemort; icontest submission

Maybe this is the choice. He should be a write In. It's something to think about.

1 comment:

Kia Gregory said...

It's either Obama or Voldermort for me. Cannot stand Billary. There's something about her that irks me.